Why should you choose LED pool light rather than traditional pool lighting

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When many people think about lighting their pool, they probably think often of the standard 12”, 500 watt incandescent light bulb. After all, most old swimming pools have this type of lighting. In the old days, the only way to light up your pool was to add more of these traditional bulbs. Lighting in those times was not a primary consideration for installing or designing a pool at home.

How times have changed! Today, swimming pools, like most other items in 21st century America, are evolving quickly. A new trend in swimming pools is using LED pool lights rather than traditional bulbs. LED pool lights can create clear, vibrant and rich light shows beneath the water that makes a pool more attractive.

LED pool light

Now, lighting should be a major consideration for your overall pool design. Proper LED lighting of your pool can transform it from a place not only to swim, but into a gorgeous, backyard oasis that is perfect for relaxing, entertaining or both.

The way you design your pool with LED lighting can have a major impact on how your pool looks at night.

LED pool light advantages

The advantages of LED pool lights over incandescent bulbs for pools can be summarized as follows:


LED-lit pools usually use as much as 85% less electricity than regular pool lights. These lights run much cooler, and have zero moving parts, as color wheel lights do.

Here is an energy cost comparison to consider. It costs approximately $7884 per year to light a pool 365 days per year for 12 hours per day with 12,500 watt incandescent bulbs.

The cost for the same number of 75 watt LED bulbs for the exact same time? Only $1,182.

LED pool light


A major advantage of LED lights over traditional bulbs is the life span of the unit. A typical regular pool light bulb can last approximately 5000 hours. An LED pool light often is rated for as long as 30,000 hours. Why is this?

LED lights are comprised of higher durable, tough materials that run a great deal cooler than an incandescent bulb.

One aspect of the additional lifespan is that you do not need to perform maintenance to replace bulbs often. Using a traditional light bulb means that you must get into the water every year or so and unscrew the light and pull out the lamp. This is time consuming and not something most pool owners wish to do.


As mentioned earlier, LED lights run much cooler than regular incandescent bulbs. The extra heat generated by the latter can make the pool light housing hot to the touch, and even has been known to burn children before.


Further, an LED light can fade in and out and transform to different colors. This transforms your pool into a fascinating and beautiful light show, not just a place to swim. With a modern LED pool light system, you can just turn on a switch and immediately enjoy a stunning, colorful, underwater light show in your back yard.

These light shows can be easily changed for different themes and parties. Want to have a Christmas-themed party? You can run green and red lights in your pool that evening.

Overall, LED lighting for your pool is far superior to incandescent lighting. Be sure to plan for a good LED lighting system in your pool to enjoy its maximum potential in your yard.


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